20 stycznia 2005 r. przekazano do Ukraińskiego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu
dar Pani Barbary Bieńkowskiej-Hreczecha - 147 książek z zakresu klasyki literatury polskiej.
Przekazanie zorganizował ze strony Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej KUL Artur Podsiadły.
4 lutego otrzymaliśmy ze Lwowa podziękowania:
Wielebny Księże Dyrektorze,
proszę przyjąć naszą szczerą wdzięczność za dar książek, otrzymany przez naszą bibliotekę dzięki łaskawości Księdza.
Z wyrazami szacunku - |
Yuriy Pidlisnyy P.o. dyrektora Biblioteki Ukraińskiego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu ypidlisn(at)ucu.edu.ua |
UCU - Ukrainian Catholic University
University Institutes
In addition to degree programs, UCU sponsors several research institutes, centers for social development, and publications series including:
Institute of Church History
As part of its "living history" of the underground Church during the Soviet period, the Institute has interviewed over1.300 eyewitnesses. It also organizes conferences, publishes a journal, and maintains a web site ( www.ichistory.org ) to publicize its work.
Institute of Religion and Society
The Institute organizes ecumenical conferences, seminars with the military and publications on social ethics. It also directs the web-based Religious Information Service of Ukraine ( www.risu.org.ua/eng ).
Center of Spiritual Support
Connected with the international L'Arche movement, the Center unites the developmentally delayed, their friends and families. The Center does this by organizing support groups, summer camps, sheltered workshops and publications to educate Ukrainians about persons with special needs.
The UCU Press
The UCU Press publishes original scholarly works and Ukrainian translations of important Western works in the fields of philosophy, history, language studies and theology. The Press's books are often awarded prizes by Ukraine's Publishers' Forum.
Get involved...
• volunteer to teach in Ukraine
• visit, come for summer courses or research
• support a seminarian's education
• arrange for your community to sponsor a summer intern
• find out about book donations
For more information, contact:
In Ukraine:
Ukrainian Catholic University, vul. Ilariona Svientsitskoho, 17, 79011 Lviv, Ukraine
Phone: 380 322 / 40-99-40, Fax: 380 322 / 40-99-50, E-mail: info(at)ucu.edu.ua / www.ucu.edu.ua
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, 2247 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60622
Phone: 773 / 235-8462, Fax: 773 / 235-8464, E-mail: ucef(at)ucef.org / www.ucef.org
In Canada:
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, 1317 Stonecutter Dr., Oakville, ON L6M 3C5
Phone: 905 / 465-3388, Fax: 905 / 465-3384
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.05.2008, godz. 18:26 - Jan Wasilewski